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[48hr] Halloween Hilo Challenge - $666 in prizes!


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Что с вами случилось казино? Вы с каждым днём становитесь известнее, распространенными,более богатыми,а выигрыши скуднее!? Почему вы стали такими? Для чего сделана монета JB? Нет ни какого толку от неё,раньше можно было внести банкролл и получать процент ВТС, можно было на колесо прокрут купить,а сейчас нет! Кроме оплаты за комиссию на 28 уровне которого тут и четверть четверти игроков не достигнет ни когда! Ищите альтернативы становитесь лучше,а не хуже! А,то по тональной психологии развития наблюдается тенденция,чем богаче тем заднее,чем больше денег,тем больше наплевать на других,ктобы что не говорил,внимания ноль! Даже на своих сотрудников отношение становится наплевательское, уйдет на смену придет другой! Я не говорю именно о вас,а в общих чертах, наблюдения и психология развития компании! Обратите внимание на это обращение,не зазнавйтесь будьте прежними и становитесь лучше,больше внимания больше призов больше конкурсов,больше выигрышей,больше лояльности!  И вы достигните длительной стабильности и процветания! Просите форум придумывать не слоганы,а конкурсы,вносить предложения о новшестве! Больше бщаться и быть ближе к своим пользователям,свою очередь пользователи будут ближе к вам! Светлых мыслей и процветания! Счастливого Хэллоуина!!!

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BETTIG ID: 3350787455451343



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  On 10/31/2020 at 1:44 PM, SpeedyClick said:












I think you misunderstood the rules you have to win with  6 >6>6 at least to qualify.  .. sorry 

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💙 𝔎𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔞 💙


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  On 10/31/2020 at 4:06 AM, digitaldash said:

R U L E S  +  D E T A I L S

The rules for this flash challenge are listed below, please pay close attention and make sure to read thoroughly.

C H A L L E N G E   O B J E C T I V E

  • Get as many number 6 cards in a row as possible - skipping is allowed.
  • Minimum of 3 in a row to qualify
  • If you skip, only the 1st starting skipped 6 card counts. You must play the other ones in order for them to qualify. Should you skip and a 6 comes out after the 1st one, it doesn't count unless you actually bet hi/low on that card.
  • Must be a WINNING bet, meaning you cashed out successfully.
  • The Minimum bet amount to qualify is 100 sats (0.00000100 BTC) or equivalent. Bets submitted with less than 100 sats will not count towards a prize.
  • Bets must have been made AFTER the start of the challenge.
  • The player with the highest number of 6's in a row shall get top podium spot.
  • In case of a tie, the one who placed a bet on their entry with a higher bet amount will be the winner. If still tied, whoever posted first will be deemed the winner.
  • One (1) entry submission per household - anyone caught trying to use multi accounts for the promo will be banned from this challenge along with all future ones. Play fair.
  • Challenge ends on 11/2/2020 - this thread will automatically lock once challenge is over. Check to see when the thread locks for the exact time of when it ends compared to your local time.

How To Submit your Entry

  • Take a screenshot displaying the round detail like so and send a reply to this thread with it:

Screen Shot 2020-10-30 at 11.57.47 PM.png

  • Must be able to see betting ID so that your bet can be verified.
  • Please do not make multiple posts, just edit your original one if you need to replace with a better qualifier. 



For this particular flash challenge, we’ll be offering spots for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Prizes are as displayed below. We're also trying something new, 1st through 3rd place winners will receive prize winnings in your coin of choice!

1ST ....... $222

2ND ...... $111

3RD ....... $66

...But wait, that's not all!

Participants who post VALID ENTRIES for this challenge will split a prize pool of $267!


Prizes will be paid directly to the winning accounts upon verification within 24 hours of challenge ending. We reserve the right to ask the player to select an alternate coin of choice if deemed necessary. Only valid entries that meet the challenge requirements will qualify for the prize pool,  - bets must have been made after this challenge was created and must be placed with a minimum bet amount of 100 sats or equivalent. We reserve the right to deem a player ineligible for this challenge if they are banned from the site or were found to be attempting to manipulate it in any way.






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BETTING ID : 486194592874696


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